Class InteractiveState
In this example, we construct an ABR state from an example JSON file. Then, we interactively make modifications to the state, such as switching between colormaps and shrinking/growing the glyph size. This example assumes a blank ABR Configuration.
This state assumes that the following VisAssets are available (which they should be, in Runtime/Resources/media/visassets): (colormap): 66b3cde4-034d-11eb-a7e6-005056bae6d8 (colormap): 5a761a72-8bcb-11ea-9265-005056bae6d8 (glyph): 1af025aa-f1ed-11e9-a623-8c85900fd4af
Additionally, this will load a sample dataset from the ABREngine Resources folder: Demo/Wavelet/KeyData/Contour Demo/Wavelet/KeyData/Points Demo/Wavelet/ScalarVar/XAxis Demo/Wavelet/ScalarVar/YAxis
Namespace: IVLab.ABREngine.Examples
Assembly: Assembly-CSharp.dll
public class InteractiveState : MonoBehaviour